As you read through the history of Sebastian it becomes abundantly clear that over the years
the dedication of many of our elected officials and staff has resulted in the preservation of land put aside for parks and open space for the enjoyment of its residents for many years to come.
Over the past 100 years City records indicate an ongoing pursuit of grants for purchases of
property for parks, fishing and boating, playgrounds, sports venues and other public spaces for walking and relaxing and celebrating, a tradition that continues to modern day. Maybe that is why those of us who have lived here for any length of time have always maintained a feeling of living in paradise and a bit like we were on a perpetual vacation.
"City Park" - Main and IR Drive

In 1925 the center of town was deemed to be in the area of Main Street, US 1 and Indian River Drive, which is in Carroll-Roberts Subdivision. The City obtained properties in that area by conveyances and some by foreclosure for delinquent taxes from several property owners.
On July 13, 1932 the area, set out in a master's deed was to become "City Park" by Resolution 59 and on October 24, 1932 by Resolution 116, the Council irrevocably designated the Carroll Roberts subdivision as a City Park to be used as such forever. Again on August 13, 1934 Council adopted Resolution 138 which designated a portion of the land lying near the Bank of Sebastian (old city hall) as a City Park to be used as such forever. A Federal Emergency Relief Administration grant was obtained to build a baseball diamond and beautify City Park. In the 1940s plans began to construct a new City Hall. Improvements in the area of City Park continued for the next several years with lighting, a flagpole, shuffleboard courts, improvements to the existing City Hall (Bank of Sebastian building) including marl for parking fire engines, and by 1956 plans were being drawn to locate and construct a new City Hall to be located in the northwest corner of the City Park property with an affirmative vote of 45 for and six opposed to locate the new City Hall and Fire Station as word came down from the State of Florida that US 1 would be widened.

That area has to this day remained a public area for use by residents. For many years this area was the center of activity in the City before Sebastian Highlands as we know it today was even a thought. It was the location used for holiday festivities, recreation and other public activities.
Starting in 1972 and culminating in 1979 the City Council, with Councilman/Mayor Pat Flood
taking the lead, pursued and was successful in obtaining a Department of Natural Resources
grant to construct a city park, pier and boat ramp in the Main Street "City Park" area.
A playground in "City Park" was named and dedicated to former City Clerk Colonel Ashford T. Jordan on November 24, 1974 and included the Candy Cane Park playground. Annual
Christmas celebrations and lighting of the City Christmas tree were held here for many years.
Upon completion of the DNR grant funded Main Street boat ramp and pier in 1978 the City
Council dedicated the City pier at Main Street to Captain Robert Hardee whose family had
conveyed some of the property in "City Park". A plaque was placed in 1979 that read:
In cooperation with
And financial assistance of
Through the
August 19, 1979
In 1998 the City once again pursued and was approved for funding from Florida Inland
Navigation District Waterways Assistance to upgrade the Main Street boat ramp and pier.
In 2000 the City entered into a joint participation agreement with the Rotary Club for a
cooperative public service project to build and maintain a boardwalk extending from the
Sebastian Riverwalk area.
In 2007 the City was approved for a FIND grant for a proposed Indian River Drive/Main Street Improvement project to make room at the base of the Main Street row to create a boat trailer parking lot.
08.079 Resolution R-08-07 - Grant Application for Main Street / lndian River Drive Project
- 6/25/08 agenda - adopted
08.131 Award Construction Bid for Main Street Improvement Project to H & D
Construction of Ft. Pierce in the Amount of $1,193,903.02 - 12/10/08 agenda - approved
08.131/09.040 Discussion of Indian River Drive/Main Street Improvement Project Change Order - Chamber Parking - No Action Required - 2/11/09 agenda - agreed to put on next agenda -
2/25/09 agenda - approved as originally planned behind Chamber with turf block -
Approve Indian River Drive/Main St. Improvement Project Change Order Number 6 in the Amount of $23,021.22 for H & D Construction Company, Inc. - Catch Basin Removal/Replacement and Related Swale Re-Grading North of Project Site on Indian River Drive - 7/8/09 agenda - approved - Authorize Mayor to Execute Bill of Sale of Utility Facilities to Indian River County - Main Street/lndian River Drive Improvement Project Water and Sewer Components - 7/29/09 agenda - approved - Airport - Transfer of Utility Installation to Indian River County - 8/25/10 agenda.
Yacht Club Building and Ramp - conveyance from GDC to City

The purpose of expanding Riverview Park was approved and the closing took place on
November 11, 1999. Florida Representative Charles Sembler presented the ceremonial check.
Also in 1999, St. Johns River Water Management District matching funds for two telescopes at Riverview Park Observation/Fishing Pier were awarded.
In 2000, a Riverview Park Expansion Committee Recreational Advisory Board was created and the City Manager was authorized by Resolution to apply for a Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) Waterways Assistance Program Grant to improve the recently purchased Good Guys property, for boat mooring and shoreline restoration.

In 2001, a Florida Department of Environmental Protection Recreation Development Assistance Program grant for Riverview Park expansion was approved and the City Manager was authorized to execute closing documents for the waterfront property adjacent to the Good Guys property.
In 2001 the City entered into a feasibility and engineering study related to a proposed pier/boat dock facility project in the newly purchased property and for Riverview Park expansion.
In 2002 a contract for construction for pad and wall portion of the Veterans Memorial was
In 2003 A DEP submerged land lease was entered into with DEP for a project to be known as the Twin Piers Project and shoreline restoration.
In 2005 a contract was awarded for a Splash Pad at Riverview Park.
In 2007 Larry Wapnick, Veterans Administration requested placement of an interfaith in Action Memorial at Riverview Park Veterans Memorial dedicated to four Chaplains who went down with the WWI I Warship Dorchester in 1943. In 2009 a site was selected next to the Veterans' Memorial in Riverview Park and in 2012 the Memorial was completed and dedicated.
Easy Street Park
Easy Street Park was developed during General Development's construction in that portion of the Sebastian Highlands. A lease for the Swim Lake was given to the City in 1962.

Barber Street Sports Complex

A ball-field with lighting and a concession was built on Barber Street in 1981-1982. In 1985
Council began to make inquiries into available lots adjacent to the ball-field and by 1986 began to make purchases to expand.
In 1987 a conceptual plan was approved and in 1988 a plan was put in place to begin a five
year plan to construct additional fields and other amenities.
Little League had used a field behind the old schoolhouse/City Hall for many years. A new lease between the City and Little League was approved to vacate the old field for the anticipated Barber Street Sports Complex (BSSC) by adoption of Resolution R-90-42. Improvements at BSSC began in earnest with installation of lighting, dugouts, scorekeeper booths, concession, anew stabilized parking lot, new ballfields, fencing, irrigation, scoreboard, and sidewalks.

In 1995 the City entered into a lease agreement with the Sebastian Panthers, Inc. to use an
area in Barber Street Sports Complex South for a football field.
In 1998 plans began to investigate constructing a Skateboard Park.
In 1999, a site development contract was approved for Barber Street Sports Complex and
parking improvements.
2005 Approve Purchase and Installation of Lighting System at Practice Football Field and
Court at BSSC from Musco Sports Lighting in the Amount of $200,346 Under Terms and
Conditions of City of Jacksonville Bid Award #Sc-0549-03 - 8/10/05 agenda - approved
07.015 Gary Scott Field at BSSC- Requested by Mayor Burkeen on 12/13/06 -1/10/07
agenda - designation of football field approved - Resolution No. R-07-13 - Designating
Barber Street Sports Complex Field as "Gary Scott Field" - 3/28/07 agenda - approved,
dedication to take place when football season opens - Completed October 2th
12.129 Waive Bidding Procedures and Piggyback Clay County Bid/Contract for Musco
Sports Lighting at BSSC Multi-Purpose Field in Amount of $168,000 Utilizing Recreation Impact Fees - 10/24/12 agenda - approved
12.130 Waive Bidding Procedures and Piggyback Palm Beach County Bid for Jolly
Voyager Pirate Ship Playground at BSSC in the Amount of $77,854 from Playmore Recreational Products and Services Utilizing Recreation Impact Fees - 10/24/12 agenda - approved
16.007 Approve Sebastian River Youth Football and Cheerleading Association (Sharks) BSSC Lease Agreement - 1 /13/16 agenda - approved

Hardee Park
Garden Club Park - 1979 deeded to City and 1997 City deeded to Pelican Island Garden Club
Schumann Park
95.152 Approve Contract with Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Florida
Recreation Development Assistant Program Grant - Upgrade Schumann Tennis Courts -
9/13/95 agenda - approved
Working Waterfront - Fisherman's Landing
2008 Purchased with Stan Mayfield Working Waterfront Grant
Contribution to efforts by organizations Sebastian Chamber, GFWC Sebastian Junior
Women, Lions Club, Sebastian Property Owners, Little League, Sebastian Art Club,
Scrub Land
93.045 Indian River County - (see 91.340) Request Letter of Non-Objection - Scrub Land
Purchase - Preservation 2000 Grant - 1/27/93 agenda - motion to request IRC to withdraw
application and leave subject property zoned industrial
98.103 Addendum II to Conceptual Approval Agreement - Florida Communities Trust/Indian River County and Sebastian - St. Sebastian PUD - Scrub Purchase - extend term of original agreement to 10/31/98 - added to 5/6/98 agenda and approved by consensus of Council -Authorize City Execution of Extension to Florida Communities Trust Conceptual Approval Agreement, Grant Award Agreement, and Grant Award Calculation Statement for Cost-Share Reimbursement - County Acquisition of the "St. Sebastian PUD" Property - 5/13/98 agenda - approved